Don't hesitate to contact me to book your session or with any questions you may have.


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How many pictures will we receive?

This will depend on the type and length of your session you book.

- 30min sessions typically receive 5-7 edited images.

- 1 hour sessions typically receive 10-12 edited images.

But this may vary depending on size of your group and location.

What’s the best time of day to have a session?

If you like softer better light, during just after sunrise and just before sunset would be best.

While a session during full sun will give you a brighter light.

Any time of day can work given the right location.

How should we dress for our family session?

Wear something comfortable. The thing you don't want to be doing is constantly adjusting uncomfortable clothing. Especially with little kids.

Try to coordinate with others in your session. Wear no more than 2-3 complimentary colors.

Where is the best location for my session?

Just about anywhere.

I have a list of great places that you can chose from.

Or is there a place that holds a special place in yours or your family's heart?